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Usefulness of MCDA and examples
In this post we summarize its usefulness, the advantages and disadvantages, and we present two examples.
MORE INFO10 steps and tips on how to do an MCDA
There are many guidelines that teach you how to do an MCDA. Based on the guidelines available, and on the learnings we have been accumulating, here are the 10 steps...
MORE INFOMulti Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a tool to support decision making in health care. It complements other tools. It does not replace them. The more complex the decisions, the...
MORE INFOHealixia Conference: Deep Dive into BeNeLuxA
On May 23rd , we joined the learning event about the BeNeLuxA initiative. More about the BeNeLuxA initiative:
MORE INFOInnovation for Health – 2023
On 6 April 2023 at WTC Rotterdam, Vivactis Market Access attended the 10th edition of the leading conference for key players in Health & Life Sciences, Innovation for Health! The theme for this edition...
MORE INFOPress release: Weber joins Vivactis Group
Vivactis Group, the leading European healthcare consultancy group, announces its acquisition of Weber, a Market Access Consultancy firm and specialist in Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR). The acquisition strengthens...
MORE INFOEuropean Health Summit 2022
Vivactis Market Access attended the the European Health Summit on December 8th in Brussels, Belgium.
MORE INFOThe reimbursement pathway for digital mobile health applications in Belgium
The health app regulatory framework for financing of medical apps was announced in January 2021. This framework consists of a so-called ‘validation pyramid’ with 3 levels. Apps at level 3...
MORE INFOHealth Technology Assessment and a new EU Regulation – Part II
How and when will it impact your business?
MORE INFOEngage – by
Vivactis Market Access attended the the Engage networking event on November 24th in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by
MORE INFOValue Based Healthcare – by beMedTech
Vivactis Market Access attended the the Value Based Healthcare event on November 22nd in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by beMedTech with as topic 'Geïntegreerde zorg: TO .be OR...
MORE INFOScience for Health – by MEDVIA
Vivactis Market Access attended the Science for Health event on November 21st in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by MEDVIA with as topic 'Advancing Gene Therapy'.
MORE INFOHealth Technology Assessment and a new EU Regulation – Part I
What are Health Technology Assessments? What is their purpose? Why does the new regulation matter?
MORE INFOPress release: Weber joins Vivactis Group
Vivactis Group, the leading European healthcare consultancy group, announces its acquisition of Weber, a Market Access Consultancy firm and specialist in Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR). The acquisition strengthens...
MORE INFOUsefulness of MCDA and examples
In this post we summarize its usefulness, the advantages and disadvantages, and we present two examples.
MORE INFO10 steps and tips on how to do an MCDA
There are many guidelines that teach you how to do an MCDA. Based on the guidelines available, and on the learnings we have been accumulating, here are the 10 steps...
MORE INFOMulti Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a tool to support decision making in health care. It complements other tools. It does not replace them. The more complex the decisions, the...
MORE INFOThe reimbursement pathway for digital mobile health applications in Belgium
The health app regulatory framework for financing of medical apps was announced in January 2021. This framework consists of a so-called ‘validation pyramid’ with 3 levels. Apps at level 3...
MORE INFOHealth Technology Assessment and a new EU Regulation – Part II
How and when will it impact your business?
MORE INFOHealth Technology Assessment and a new EU Regulation – Part I
What are Health Technology Assessments? What is their purpose? Why does the new regulation matter?
MORE INFONo posts found!
Healixia Conference: Deep Dive into BeNeLuxA
On May 23rd , we joined the learning event about the BeNeLuxA initiative. More about the BeNeLuxA initiative:
MORE INFOInnovation for Health – 2023
On 6 April 2023 at WTC Rotterdam, Vivactis Market Access attended the 10th edition of the leading conference for key players in Health & Life Sciences, Innovation for Health! The theme for this edition...
MORE INFOEuropean Health Summit 2022
Vivactis Market Access attended the the European Health Summit on December 8th in Brussels, Belgium.
MORE INFOEngage – by
Vivactis Market Access attended the the Engage networking event on November 24th in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by
MORE INFOValue Based Healthcare – by beMedTech
Vivactis Market Access attended the the Value Based Healthcare event on November 22nd in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by beMedTech with as topic 'Geïntegreerde zorg: TO .be OR...
MORE INFOScience for Health – by MEDVIA
Vivactis Market Access attended the Science for Health event on November 21st in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by MEDVIA with as topic 'Advancing Gene Therapy'.
MORE INFOMarket access