Healixia Conference: Deep Dive into BeNeLuxA

On May 23rd , we joined the learning event about the BeNeLuxA initiative. https://www.healixia.be/meetings-detail-pagina/611/healixia-conference-deep-dive-into-beneluxa  More about the BeNeLuxA initiative: https://beneluxa.org/collaboration

Innovation for Health – 2023

On 6 April 2023 at WTC Rotterdam, Vivactis Market Access attended the 10th edition of the leading conference for key players in Health & Life Sciences, Innovation for Health! The theme for this edition was Digital Transformation in Healthcare! https://hyphenprojects.nl/i4h/programme-overview

Engage – by Pharma.be

Vivactis Market Access attended the the Engage networking event on November 24th in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by Pharma.be

Value Based Healthcare – by beMedTech

Vivactis Market Access attended the the Value Based Healthcare event on November 22nd in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by beMedTech with as topic ‘Geïntegreerde zorg: TO .be OR NOT TO .be’.

Science for Health – by MEDVIA

Vivactis Market Access attended the Science for Health event on November 21st in Brussels, Belgium. The event was organised by MEDVIA with as topic ‘Advancing Gene Therapy’.